My 3 Month Guarantee

After three months, I guarantee you will see the following results:

  1. You will have a comprehensive, strategic web/e-marketing plan in place. BEST PRACTICE TEMPLATE
  2. You will have a professional, mobile device friendly website, in sync with your online goals. CHECK YOUR CURRENT STATUS
  3. You will have improved communication between web/marketing teams, stakeholders and 3rd parties.
  4. Your website will be available and reliable, with 99% up-time. CHECK YOUR CURRENT STATUS
  5. Google Analytics will be installed and tracking all website activity. CHECK YOUR CURRENT STATUS
  6. SEO will be implemented and mission critical keywords identified. CHECK YOUR CURRENT STATUS
  7. If preferred, PPC will be implemented. BEST PRACTICE TIPS
  8. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube and other social networking accounts will be setup and integrated, if applicable.
  9. You will be sending and tracking mass e-mailings, if preferred. BASIC BEST PRACTICE
  10. Google Webmaster Tools will be setup, errors eliminated and speed optimized. Learn More at DEVELOPER.GOOGLE.COM
  11. Other?  Let me know.